Saturday, January 10, 2009

First Week of 2009

Year 2008 has gone and in it's place 2009. 2009 presents many happenings ... some already happening and some going to happen. Let's start with already happenings ...

1st Muharram come and go ...
Another year in our Islamic calendar. May Allah guide us away from mistakes and guide us towards moving forward as useful people. Amin!

First week of school ...
Yupe, I am back in school. But everyday though. My school is sending me on a Research Activists Attachment which will take me 2 days from school. What does this mean ... I am teaching and being teached at the same time. In a way, it paved the path towards a Master that was cevetted by many others as a stepping stone towards a better tomorrow, Amin. So this year, I will be doing some modules which can be accredditted into a Master programme. So this time, it's no longer just saying it but working it out. Back to the days where there are readings to do ... this time, the area will focus on curriculum and research.

Ashraf started school at Hanis Montessori Learning Centre as a 2nd year student. Hahah ... sounds grand but it actually means that Ashraf is now in the Challenger stage ... the 2nd stage of the playschool programme. Alhamdullilah ... since he joined the school, we saw many positive developments in him.

Joining him this time is Aisyah. Yupe, only 2 years and 2 months, she joined her brother in school as one of the youngest member of the school cohort. She is in the Explorer stage and is slowly adjusting to school life. It started out quite easy ... too easy actually with her gamely going onto the school van, waving good bye to us. But the later part of the week pose a challenge as she refused to wear the school uniform. It's the adapting stage or orientation stage so we are still making her attend school.

Now, photos or pictures speak a thousand words and where are they ... they will come to you soon.

Ashraf & Aisyah's moments

Ashraf & Aisyah went out together, wearing something similar ... (yupe, someone asked if these are their school uniforms) but nope ... it's not! They just have something similar, compliments from their Wan! Thank you, Wan!
Well, while they were out, they came across two poles ... more of barriers to prevent people from playing soccer under the void deck. Back to where I was typing .... I just asked them to hug and here they are ... so sweet, right ... awww ...
When Ashraf is asked to hug his sister ... cute, right ... if only, he did not have the pacifier with him ....
But when asked to pose at several poles, they were up to monkey business ... pretending to carry the poles which was cemented to the floor permanently. How is it possible, right? But they had a wonderful time, pretending otherwise!