Sunday, March 26, 2006

Satu pelajaran dalam kehidupan

Seorang pensyarah berdiri didalam bilek kuliah dan diatas meja didepannya terdapat beberapa benda. Apabila kuliah bermula, sambil berdiam diri dia mengambil sebuah bekas kaca lalu mengisinya dengan ketulan batu sebesar 20 sentimeter sehingga penuh. Dia kemudian bertanya kepada pelajar yang hadir "Adakah bekas ini telah penuh?". Semua pelajar menjawab "Ya, memang dah penuh!". Pensyarah itu mengambil pula beberapa ketulan batu kecil lalu memasukkan kedalam bekas itu sambil mengoyangkan beberapa kali. Sudah tentu batu batu kecil tadi akan bergerak masuk mengisi ruangan yang kosong dicelah celah batu besar tadi. Dia bertanya lagi kepada pelajarnya, "Adakah bekas ini telah penuh?". Sambil tertawa pelajarnya menjawab,"Ya.....sudah penuh!". Kemudian pensyarah itu mengambil pasir lalu memasukkan kedalam bekas itu sambil mengoyangnya sedikit. Sudah pasti butiran pasir itu akan menyelinap masuk mengisi ruangan yang masih kosong.

"Sekarang," kata pensyarah itu,"Saya mahu anda semua mengenali bahawa ini adalah kehidupan kamu. Batu yang besar itu melambangkan perkara yang begitu penting dalam kehidupan seharian anda - keluarga, kesihatan - apa saja yang begitu penting bila mana tampanya kehidupan kita musnah samasekali. Batu yang kecil pula melambangkan perkara yang lain agak penting juga tapi dalam skala yang lebih kecil umpama kerja, rumah, kereta. Sementara pasir pula melambangkan baki perkara lain yang tinggal".

"Sekiranya anda memenuhkankan bekas kaca tadi dengan batu kecil serta pasir maka sudah tentu tidak akan ada ruang untuk batu yang besar. Begitu juga dengan kehidupan anda semua. Jika anda menghabiskan masa serta tenaga kepada perkara yang kecil dan remah maka sudah tentu anda tidak akan mempunyai masa untuk perkara yang besar serta lebih penting. Tumpukan pada perkara yang kritikal dalam kehidupan anda. Dekati dan bemesralah dengan keluarga anda, bawa teman anda keluar bersiar. Akan tetap ada masa untuk ketempat kerja, membersihkan rumah, membuat jamuan. Hargai dan tumpukan pada batu yang besar dahulu - kerana itu terlalu penting. Tetapkan tahap pilihan anda dulu..................Kerana yang lain itu cuma ketulan batu kecil serta pasir..........
~ Kelip-Kelip

Term 2 Week 2

SubhanAllah ... time really flies by now. Felt like the holidays just ended and it's already a week after the holiday. Tomorrow is the start of of Week 2 of Term 2. Sigh ... why am I sighing ... sincerely time has flown by so fast, there are time when I felt lost or did not have the time to appreciate some things in life. Just yesterday I got my house keys and my contractor already called to update us that our kitchen cabinet is ready for installation in the kitchen. Wow ... next in line ... moving house. Then mid-year exams. Then school carnival. Always something happening after the other.

What about you guys?

Saturday, March 25, 2006

sleepy saturday

It has been a sleepy Saturday today. Usually Ahmad will sleep soundly in the morning till about 1 pm. Then he will have his lunch and stayed up playing. Around 2 or so, he will be cranky and sleep once again. But he doesn't sleep soundly in the afternoon. Nevertheless ... I can't resist taking photos of him sleeping. This time with his froggie ... now he doesn't sleep with pillows in his swing. He would twist and turn and ended up being under the pillows. It has happened before so as a precaution, we decided to take away the pillows. He seemed more happier this way.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

photos of Ahmad when he turned 4 months

my first porridge .... not an easy task now when it comes to porridge time. Somehow he seems to prefer meat or chicken compared to fish ... i wonder if he inherit this preference from me?
Me and my first choice shirts. Remember in the previous posts, I talked about Ahmad choosing his own clothes. Well he is with his sleeveless shirt with prints of vehicles ... also with his cousins ... Kak Long and Kak Lang.

Opps ... pictures are not placed together ... below is a picture of his porridge and a shot of him being feed. Heheh ... isn't he cute. But it's a messy job. Trust me ... it is!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

I'm 4 months old!!!

Hmm ... I can't upload the photos onto my blog this time. I wonder why ... But not to worry, I have uploaded some new photos at my yahoo photos! Click on the link Has's Albums and it will direct you straight to the latest photos of dearest Muhammad Ashraf.

Alhamdullilah, last Friday he turned 4 months. He sure is getting stronger and bigger as the days go by. Syukur alhamdullilah for the steady development :) So what has happened the last one week ... I had my school holidays which don't really count as one. But definitely last Friday marked a wonderful day ... Ahmad enjoys shopping! Yupe ... it so happened that Mak wanted to bring him out to Parkway should I return home late from school. However he was so cranky that I decided to follow Mak and Kak Long to PP and bring him out. Didn't have a chance to bring him out often last week. And so we go ... he kept muttering and muttering his baby language and his eyes were wide open as he took in the lights, noise and colours. However I can't imagine the glee he has on his face upon entering Mothercare. His legs were kicking and kicking and his hands were moving as he continue with his mutterings ...

Playfully letting him choose a set of clothes ... he kept quiet with the first set but was very active with the second one. Not believing myself, I went through it once again. He was quiet with the first set but was laughing gleefully with the second set. Hmm ... he just made his fashion choice ... shirts with pictures of vehicles ... so I bought the second set.

Next milestone is that he started his first porridge meal. Mak made some for him. He was munching and munching but wasn't well accustomed to it. Well ... it was his first time. There was a look of disbelief or questioning on his face but we just kept with it. It went well on Sat ... but today (Sunday), he decided that he still likes his meal in bottle form so we placed his porridge in his bottle. Hmm ... need to train him though ...

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Muhammad Ashraf is drinking more often now. It used to be every 4 hours. It has now reduced to 3 hourly meals. We suspected that he is increasing his milk intake. So he is ... with his new and bigger bottle. These photos showed him in my arms. But there are times when he refused to be carried and prefered to drink milk while he was lying down on the mattress. Sign of independence ... yupe ... tangan tak lenguh sangat nak dukung dia ...
Massage time ... hey being a baby sure is lots of fun. You get massaged twice a day (see the pixs) ... being bath and clothed and fed. And best still, he has an image consultant who will manage his diaper change and determine what clothes to wear ... hehee ... Hmm ... i woke up everyday, wondering what should I wear and do I have the right colour tudung???
When it comes to sleeping time ... it's either the swing or the bed. When it comes to bed, he sure moves. But isn't he adorable ... sigh ... with both his hands up, it's a definitely a sign of surrender to slumber. On the other hand ... he sure looks attentive when he's awake. Once carried, he will automatically look at the door and urge the carrier into bringing him out. Once by the corridor, he will look at the left. Can you guess why? He wants to go into the lift and go out ...
here he is, my little prince ... bathing time. Bathing time is still his favourite. Bathing him late will result in lots of lamenting and brawling ... now, accompanying him in his bath tub is a little cup which we will use to pour water slowly onto his body. He sure loves it ... it shows by the amount of water he splashes onto the floor. The second pix shows him being impatient ... he wants to go into the bathtub quick!!!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

post-medicine blues ...

Poor Ashraf ... he still have lots of antibiotics to finish up. Here he is after taking the medicine. Alhamdullilah he does not cry much now. But there are lots of prep talk prior to medicine administration. see how much his Abi loves Ashraf ... kissing his son to console him after taking medicine ...
Aiks ... no more tears!!! Tears from medicine ... not from shampoo.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

on the road to recovery

Muhammad Ashraf was down with fever and flu. Alhamdullilah, he has no more fever but still down with flu. Netherless he is recovering. However from this, it was discovered that Ahmad doesn't like taking medicine. He would brawl or cry. Even after the medicine was administered, he would complain or 'merungut' to the point of not drinking milk or suck his pacifier. So instead of giving him water in a bottle form, we have to give him water via a syringe after each medicine.

But that's not all. He seemed to recognise the small medicine bottles. Once he saw, he would started crying or fidget, insisting on the person carrying him to stand up. So the person administering the medicine has to hold onto him and cajol and persuade him to take in the medicine. Nek Yang commented that Ahmad followed my traits of not being easy to take medicine. Opps ... what to do ... who really likes taking medicine ... right?

These photos are taken after his bath. Alhamdullilah ... he no longer has running nose and seem to be back to his cherry self. Except that today, he does sleep much. Wonder why?

Long absence

First and foremost I apologise for the long absence of updates. I have been very busy at work and with Ahmad. Here are the updates thus far ...
Weight : 5.8 kg
Height : 59 cm
Just had his jab last Saturday. Cried a bit but quieten down once he got his pacifier.
Got flu and fever last week ... poor Muhammad Ashraf was weak and wasn't in the mood for play or even smiling. Got 2 days child care MC so I was at home, taking care of him.

Here Ahmad with his Uncle Haziq and Aunty Siti ... obviously from the looks of it, Ahmad is not in his good mood. He was getting sleepy ... yawn ...
Here Ahmad is with his mobile toys. He was already touching and holding the toys in his hands though just for a few seconds. He is simply mesmerised by things that produces sounds and moves about.
Taken just before his bath ... just after he has woken up in the morning. He was simply very happy to see both Abi and Umi at home (so happen it was a Saturday) that he kept kicking his legs and smiling about.

But interesting things happened on Saturday ... here they are (in short)
1. He was crying and crying. Just gave him medicine so he was unhappy. It so happened that Bak (father-in-law) called and I put the receiver at Ahmad's ear. He stopped crying immediately and there was a look of amazement on his face.

2. Abi dearest (Nazzer) was carrying his cousin, Syamil while I was carrying Ahmad. When Ahmad saw Syamil in his Abi's arms, he started brawling and brawling and cannot be consoled. It was only when he was in his Abi's arms, then he stopped crying. Seems like he's jealous of his cousin being with his Abi. Can it be so?

3. Another incident showing Ahmad being jealous. In the car, Syamil was playing with one of Ahmad's toys. Ahmad just stared at his cousin and made grunting sounds. Can you believe it?