Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Long absence

First and foremost I apologise for the long absence of updates. I have been very busy at work and with Ahmad. Here are the updates thus far ...
Weight : 5.8 kg
Height : 59 cm
Just had his jab last Saturday. Cried a bit but quieten down once he got his pacifier.
Got flu and fever last week ... poor Muhammad Ashraf was weak and wasn't in the mood for play or even smiling. Got 2 days child care MC so I was at home, taking care of him.

Here Ahmad with his Uncle Haziq and Aunty Siti ... obviously from the looks of it, Ahmad is not in his good mood. He was getting sleepy ... yawn ...
Here Ahmad is with his mobile toys. He was already touching and holding the toys in his hands though just for a few seconds. He is simply mesmerised by things that produces sounds and moves about.
Taken just before his bath ... just after he has woken up in the morning. He was simply very happy to see both Abi and Umi at home (so happen it was a Saturday) that he kept kicking his legs and smiling about.

But interesting things happened on Saturday ... here they are (in short)
1. He was crying and crying. Just gave him medicine so he was unhappy. It so happened that Bak (father-in-law) called and I put the receiver at Ahmad's ear. He stopped crying immediately and there was a look of amazement on his face.

2. Abi dearest (Nazzer) was carrying his cousin, Syamil while I was carrying Ahmad. When Ahmad saw Syamil in his Abi's arms, he started brawling and brawling and cannot be consoled. It was only when he was in his Abi's arms, then he stopped crying. Seems like he's jealous of his cousin being with his Abi. Can it be so?

3. Another incident showing Ahmad being jealous. In the car, Syamil was playing with one of Ahmad's toys. Ahmad just stared at his cousin and made grunting sounds. Can you believe it?

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