Saturday, December 31, 2005

confinement is OVER!

Alhamdullilah ... finally my confinement is over ... 44 days gone and now there are not so much restrictions as before. Guess my little one knows it too by the looks of his charming smile ... was thinking of putting him in a baby show ... should i???
Now Ahmad will response whenever we talked to him. Sometimes when there was a conversation, he would listen attentively and would open and close his mouth as if he's also in the coversation. He really likes when we called out his name ... he would look for the source and smile in reply. His neck and limbs are strong now. When we carried him, sometimes he would force himself into an upright position with his legs supporting him. Of course we were holding onto him. This is especially so when he's not happy or wants tobe carried about. Also another signal for the carrier to bring him around. Smart huh ... :)


Anonymous said...

hehe... pipi tembab macam chipmunk lah si Ahmad ni...

BTW... was chatting w Ms Linda... She sends her regards & congrats 2 ya... she say she tgh tunggu hari now...

Alles-Lila said...

he's getting chubbier!