Sunday, October 16, 2005

Doc's Visit

This is the monitor showing little Ahmad's head. It's not very clear ... the scanned photo I have was of his liver which I will put in when I get hold of a scanner. Here the gynae is showing us the circumference and all, explaining the medical terms.

Last visit to the doc's, I gained 2 kg. This time, I only gained 0.2 kg. Total weight gained this far is 8.2 kg. Little Ahmad is estimated to weigh 1.93 kg. My little one is so small and tiny. Doc kept saying baby is small, baby is small. Got me so worried ... so down. Also, the expected date is 26 Nov. Not 16 as I predicted. Well, as Nazzer put it, doc cannot predict the actual date, right. Down and this time a double whammer ... i was hoping that the doc would say it's possible that my due date is 16 Nov. Somehow seeing other moms carrying their little ones in their arms, make me yearn to hold my own. Can't wait for the little one to come ...

Back to my weight gain ... sincerely I was hoping that I would gained another 2 kg. But 0.2 kg ... it's far, far below my expectations. Doc said it can be due to my fasting. He doesn't refrain me from fasting but advise me to supplement myself during sahur and buka. Sincerely, after fasting and break fast, do you really eat a lot? I found myself eating less and less ... as in the stomach has been trained to consume only what is required. Perhaps my tummy did not consume enough. This brought upon to another thought ... will I have enough strength when the baby matures @ 37 weeks. That's 2 weeks away. Will I??? Will my fasting affect my baby's health or my health after giving birth ... ? No one can actually say a definite answer. Only me, myself. Now thoughts of my little one not having enough water in his water bag ... MasyaƁllah, it's enough to chill my morning.

So now when I break fast, I need to consume more ... food and water intake. When I sahur, I need to do the same too. Not just for me, but most importantly for little Ahmad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey babes, don't get so worried. Stress and not enough rest also can contribute to the baby's wellbeing... Apart from just water, maybe take milk instead? Insyallah you'll carry Ahamd to full-term... I turut doakan kesejahteraan mummy & baby... Take care, k darl... Salamz...